Offered Pest Control Services

Chipmunk Control & Removal in Milwaukee

Eliminate Chipmunks from your Attic, Roof, Yard, or Car

Are chipmunks wreaking havoc on your Milwaukee or southeastern Wisconsin property? At A-Landlords, our professional exterminators are dedicated to providing the proper solutions to rid your homes and businesses of chipmunk infestations. Call us before the rodents get too deep into your property, and we’ll deliver results more reliable than any at-home method of chipmunk control and removal could produce.

Milwaukee Squirrel Removal Contact

How to Identify a Chipmunk

Often times people get confused as to which rodent appears on their property. The key features that can be used to identify a chipmunk are:

  1. Pointy ears
  2. A tail that is bushy and held high                                                                                                                       
  3. Distinct stripes on its back that are solid (not dashed)


Click on our chipmunk identification guide to learn more.

At Home Methods to Control Chipmunk Infestation

  • Use an L-shaped footer to prevent chipmunks from burrowing.
  • Place birdfeeders where the chipmunks can't get to and pick up spilled seeds.
  • Trim any plants that would provide a chipmunk food or cover.
  • Remove wood or rock piles from around your property.

Home Chipmunk Removal Approaches

  • Create a trap for the chipmunk in an empty room using peanut butter as bait.
  • Gently approach the chipmunk and use a towel to capture and carry it out.
  • Use natural chipmunk repellents (garlic, peppermint, pepper).

Dangers of Chipmunk Infestations

Chipmunks can present many dangers and risks to all kinds of animals and properties. As chipmunks burrow in your yards, they dig extensive networks of tunnels underneath the ground. These tunnels can greatly damage the stability of different structures, sidewalks, and other types of infrastructure, leading to significant damage and safety risks to your property. 

Additionally, chipmunks can pose a threat with their actions above ground, They can hide in walls and attics and are notorious for their gnawing behavior. Their strong teeth allow them to chew through various materials including wood, pipes and building/car wires. This gnawing can lead to electrical problems, an increased risk of fire, and damaged/leaky pipes.

Chipmunks also carry diseases and parasites. They are most commonly known to spread salmonella and hantavirus. Although the chance of spread is rare, a chipmunk to both a human or pet could lead to the contraction of an illness. Furthermore, the droppings that come from a chipmunk can contaminate food storage areas, causing the spread of harmful bacteria.

Milwaukee Squirrel Removal Contact

Why Choose A-Landlords Exterminators for Chipmunk Control and Removal?

While they may seem harmless on the outside, it is clear that professional chipmunk removal is necessary to avoid damage to you and your property. Instead of trying at-home methods, call A-Landlords for all of your chipmunk control and removal needs. With over 30 years of service under our belts, you can trust that our skilled Milwaukee exterminators will work swiftly to remove the threat from your property.