Bed Bug

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have extraordinarily small bodies with a brown camouflage, lay eggs everywhere, and are easily transferred, allowing them to infest entire homes and businesses. Bed bugs can be found in mattresses, bedding, clothing, furniture, and more. They are recognized by their musty odor, brown and black spots on infected surfaces, blood stains on mattresses and bedding from crushed bed bugs, or bite marks. Bed bug bites emit a burning sensation and generally are several red marks in a precise line.

Learn more about Bed Bugs



Carpenter ants are only one species of ants that could infest your home or business. They have large black bodies and typically nest in wood able to retain moisture and easily accessible from the soil like wood porch structures, window frames, and door frames. You have an infestation if you see swarms of flying ants in the spring around wood structures, these are the adult ants leaving the nest to find new territory. Another sign of a carpenter ant infestation is wood dust or small piles of wood shavings found close to older damp wood.



The American cockroach is the largest species of cockroach that invade homes. They have a reddish brown or mahogany color with a yellow band outlining the area behind their head. Found anywhere food or moisture is present, these cockroaches are about two inches long and both the females and males can fly. They give off a musty smell and as they mature become more reddish brown. These cockroaches will hide in damp dark places.



There are many species of wasps, ranging from microscopic to 1 ½” in size and ranging in color from black to metallic blues and greens and from reddish-brown to dark red and orange. Most wasps have a pinched waist and two pairs of wings. Wasps will nest in several places surrounding your home including hose reels, electrical boxes, soffits, decks, the corners of windows, under awnings and porches, attics, crawl spaces, and gas grills. If you have a colony of wasps, there could be thousands of wasps living in the nest.

Mice, Chipmunk & Rat


Rodents are among the most adaptable and diseased critters to infest homes. They are extremely difficult to exterminate due to their rapid and constant breeding habits. Several species of rodents have the capability to squeeze into spaces much smaller than themselves, making even the smallest holes or cracks entrances to your home. Like many unwanted pests, rodents will cause severe damage to your home or business, and excessive chewing and breeding will take a toll on your home’s structure.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have extraordinarily small bodies with a brown camouflage, lay eggs everywhere, and are easily transferred, allowing them to infest entire homes and businesses. Bed bugs can be found in mattresses, bedding, clothing, furniture, and more. They are recognized by their musty odor, brown and black spots on infected surfaces, blood stains on mattresses and bedding from crushed bed bugs, or bite marks. Bed bug bites emit a burning sensation and generally are several red marks in a precise line.

Learn more about Bed Bugs


Carpenter ants are only one species of ants that could infest your home or business. They have large black bodies and typically nest in wood able to retain moisture and easily accessible from the soil like wood porch structures, window frames, and door frames. You have an infestation if you see swarms of flying ants in the spring around wood structures, these are the adult ants leaving the nest to find new territory. Another sign of a carpenter ant infestation is wood dust or small piles of wood shavings found close to older damp wood.


The American cockroach is the largest species of cockroach that invade homes. They have a reddish brown or mahogany color with a yellow band outlining the area behind their head. Found anywhere food or moisture is present, these cockroaches are about two inches long and both the females and males can fly. They give off a musty smell and as they mature become more reddish brown. These cockroaches will hide in damp dark places.


There are many species of wasps, ranging from microscopic to 1 ½” in size and ranging in color from black to metallic blues and greens and from reddish-brown to dark red and orange. Most wasps have a pinched waist and two pairs of wings. Wasps will nest in several places surrounding your home including hose reels, electrical boxes, soffits, decks, the corners of windows, under awnings and porches, attics, crawl spaces, and gas grills. If you have a colony of wasps, there could be thousands of wasps living in the nest.


Rodents are among the most adaptable and diseased critters to infest homes. They are extremely difficult to exterminate due to their rapid and constant breeding habits. Several species of rodents have the capability to squeeze into spaces much smaller than themselves, making even the smallest holes or cracks entrances to your home. Like many unwanted pests, rodents will cause severe damage to your home or business, and excessive chewing and breeding will take a toll on your home’s structure.

Racine, WI Squirrel Control

Racine, WI Squirrel ControlSquirrel infestations can pose serious risks to both your property and your health, and our dedicated team is here to provide tailored solutions for the unique challenges faced by Racine residents. With years of experience in rodent removal in Wisconsin, we understand the specific behaviors and entry points that make squirrel control in Racine distinct. 

Explore our comprehensive services designed to address the signs, risks, and prevention strategies associated with squirrel infestations in Racine.

Milwaukee Exterminator Contact

Signs of Squirrel Infestation in Racine

Squirrels can be elusive invaders, but certain signs can indicate their presence in your Racine home. Listen for unusual noises in the attic, such as scratching or scampering, especially during the early morning or late evening. Chewed wires or gnawed structural elements are common indicators of squirrel activity. Keep an eye out for nesting materials like leaves or insulation, suggesting that these rodents have made a home within your property. Residents should be particularly vigilant during seasons when squirrels may seek shelter or build nests.

Check out our squirrel identification guide for more info.

Why Choose A-Landlords in Racine

When it comes to addressing squirrel infestations in Racine, A-Landlords stands out as a reliable and experienced service provider. With a track record of successful rodent removal in Milwaukee and surrounding areas, our team is well-versed in the unique challenges faced by Racine residents. 

We pride ourselves on delivering efficient and affordable services, ensuring that your home is free from the damages and health risks associated with squirrel infestations. By choosing A-Landlords, you gain access to expert exterminators who understand the local context and provide tailored solutions for effective squirrel control in Racine.

Local Risks and Concerns

Squirrel infestations in Racine can pose significant risks to both property and health. Beyond the structural damage caused by chewing on wires and insulation, the presence of ticks and fleas can introduce additional health concerns. 

Residents need to be aware that ticks left behind by squirrels can transmit diseases, including tick fever, to humans and pets. Additionally, the risk of Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease spread through contact with squirrel urine, adds another layer of potential health hazards. Given the challenges unique to Racine, it's crucial to address squirrel infestations promptly to mitigate these risks.

Prevention Tips for Racine Residents

To safeguard your Racine home from squirrel infestations, implement proactive prevention measures. Trim tree branches that may provide easy access to your roof and remove firewood stacked against your building. Repair any cracks in the foundation wall, seal entry points, and install chimney guards to limit access. 

Taking these steps will discourage squirrels from making your property their home. Additionally, consider using squirrel-resistant bird feeders to minimize potential food sources that attract these rodents. By being vigilant and implementing these preventative measures, Racine residents can reduce the likelihood of squirrel infestations.

Why Professional Squirrel Removal is Essential in Racine, WI

While DIY efforts may provide temporary relief, professional squirrel removal is essential for long-term success in Racine. The unique challenges posed by local squirrel behavior and entry points require expertise to ensure thorough elimination. A-Landlords' Milwaukee rodent control specialists are equipped with the latest industry knowledge and safety training to address Racine's specific conditions. 

Attempting to handle the situation independently may result in ongoing issues, especially during mating seasons. Professional removal not only ensures the effective elimination of squirrels but also prevents potential damage to your property and the associated health risks. Trust the experience and reliability of A-Landlords for comprehensive squirrel removal in Racine.

Contact A-Landlords for Racine Squirrel Removal

If you suspect a squirrel infestation in your Racine home, don't hesitate to contact A-Landlords for prompt and reliable removal services. Our Milwaukee rodent control specialists are available to assess your situation, offering expert insights and tailored solutions. We operate on flexible schedules, including nights and weekends, at no extra charge to accommodate your busy life. 

Reach out to us today for hassle-free inspection and affordable squirrel control services in Racine. Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our top priorities.