Offered Pest Control Services

Milwaukee Exterminator Helps You Identify Pests in Your Home

Contact our Milwaukee exterminator if you identify an infestation in your home or business from a pest below.


Pest Identification Guide

Use our Pest Identification Guide to figure out what kind of pests we’re dealing with, where they like to live, whether or not they’re harmful and how to prevent an infestation.

If you have any of these pests in or around your home (like squirrels!), contact our Milwaukee pest control experts at A-Landlords Pest Management today. Our experienced and knowledgeable exterminators can answer any questions you may have and eliminate your pest problem quickly. Rather than risk making the situation worse by trying to get rid of the pests yourself, call A-Landlord’s Milwaukee pest and rodent control experts to end your problem now.

Milwaukee Exterminator Contact


Field Ants

How to Identify Field Ants


  • 6 legs
  • Segmented body with an unevenly rounded profile
  • Pale yellow, reddish brown, or blackField Ant Hill Milwaukee
  • 1/8 to 3/8 inch long


  • Mounds of plant material
  • Often near trees
  • Shrubs
  • Rocks
  • Sometimes in sidewalk cracks or along foundation walls
  • Field ants rarely nest in homes


  • Field ants may bite and spray painful formic acid into the wound

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Store firewood at least 15 feet away from the house
  • Avoid having mulch up against the foundation
  • Keep shrubbery well-trimmed

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Carpenter Ants

How to Identify Carpenter Ants


  •  6 legs
  • Segmented bodyCarpenter Ants Milwaukee
  • Black, red, brown, or yellow
  • ¼ to 3/8 inch long


  •  Indoors or outdoors in damp or damaged wood
  • Their burrowing leaves frass (sawdust) outside the nest


  • Gain entry through wet wood
  • Build paths through dry wood, causing structural damage

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Keep your home and yard free of damp wood
  • Keep tree branches cut back from the house

Learn More About Carpenter Ant Infestations

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Pavement Ants

How to Identify Pavement Ants

Pavement Ants Milwaukee


  • 6 legs
  • Segmented oval body
  • Dark brown, black
  • 1/8 inch


  • In walls, insulation, and floors
  • Outdoors, under stones, and in pavement cracks


  • Pavement ants can contaminate food

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Keep counters and kitchens free from spills and crumbs

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Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

How to Identify Bedbugs

Female Bedbug Milwaukee


  • 6 legs
  • Flat oval body
  • Mahogany
  • ¼ inch
  • Nearly colorless
  • 1.3mm to 5mm


  • Beds and other furniture
  • Cracks in the floor and walls
  • May hide in suitcases, boxes, and shoes

Male Bed Bugs Milwaukee


  • Bed bugs feed on blood and need it to reproduce


  • Process called traumatic insemination
  • Sperm remains in female body for 4-6 weeks
  • Female lays ~5-7 eggs per week
  • Eggs hatch in 6-17 days
  • Insemination process makes female avoid males
    • More likely to hitchhike on clothes and people


  • Bedbugs bite and cause red, itchy welts
  • They do not transmit diseases

Bed Bug Eggs Look Similar to Lice

Preventing/Detecting an Infestation:

  • Examine second-hand furniture before bringing it home
  • Protect suitcases with a trash bag while travelling
  • Check bedsheets for blood spots.

Learn More About Bed Bug Infestations:

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Bumble Bees

How to Identify Bumble Bees


  • 6 legs
  • Oval shapeBumble Bees in Milwaukee
  • Black and yellow striped
  • Fuzzy
  • 1 inch


  • In the ground or in trees
  • Around patios or decks
  • Sometimes in attics or chimneys


  • Bees are aggressive and will sting if threatened
  • Bumble bees can sting more than once
  • People who are allergic to insect stings may have a severe reaction

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Carefully inspect potential nesting areas and get rid of harborage materials

More Information:

As the name suggests, bumblebees cause a distinctive hum. Despite a common misconception, bumblebees are perfectly capable of flight. Bumblebees are currently in decline all around the world. As pollinators, this is bad news for farmers and gardeners alike. Conservationists are working to preserve their population before it’s too late.

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Honey Bees

How to Identify Honey Bees

Honey Bees Milwaukee


  • 6 legs
  • Oval shape
  • Golden yellow with brown bands
  • ½ inch


  • Honeycombs in trees
  • Sometimes in attics or chimneys


  • Honey bees can only sting once
  • The sting can be extremely painful if the stinger is not removed
  • People who are allergic to insect stings may have a severe reaction

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Carefully inspect potential nesting areas and get rid of materials the bees could use to build their nest
  • Honeycombs can be messy to remove

Learn More About Bee Infestations

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German Cockroaches

How to Identify German Cockroaches


  • 6 legs; oval shape
  • Light brown with dark stripes on the back
  • ½ to 5/8 inch

German Cockroach Milwaukee


  • Warm, humid places near food
  • Kitchens and bathrooms


  • Favorites: starches, decaying meats, sweets, fatty foods
    • Will settle for almost any human/pet/processed foods
  • Will also eat adhesives and products with adhesives in them
  • Can live for up to 30 days without food
  • Can live for 2 weeks without hydration


  • German cockroaches can spread bacteria, parasitic worms and other human pathogens
  • They can cause allergic reactions and intensify asthma attacks, especially in children

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Keep your kitchen clean
  • Vacuum frequently
  • Avoid moisture buildup

More Information:

German cockroaches are the most common cockroach family pest. They are easily mistaken for the Asian cockroach and are nearly identical. Asian cockroaches are able to fly gracefully while German cockroaches have trouble flying at all. They cannot survive the cold but manage to survive by finding small, heated areas.

Learn more about cockroaches & pest control services.

Solve My German Cockroach Problem

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American Cockroaches

How to Identify American Cockroaches


  • 6 legs
  • Oval shape
  • American Cockroach in MilwaukeeReddish brown, yellowish markings behind the head
  • Up to 2 inches


  • Basements
  • Sewers
  • Drainage systems


  • Omnivores - eat plants, meats, and other items
  • Cosmetics, plant shoots, soaps, decaying fruits
  • Sweets and starchy items such as adhesives


  • Can spread bacteria, parasitic worms, and other human pathogens
  • Can cause allergic reactions and intensify asthma attacks, especially in children

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Keep your kitchen clean
  • Vacuum frequently
  • Avoid moisture buildup

Solve My American Cockroach Problem

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How to Identify Chipmunks


Chipmunks Milwaukee

  • Gray, reddish brown fur with dark and light stripes down the back and tail
  • 7 to 10 inches


  • Holes in the ground
  • Sometimes under patios
  • May move into buildings


  • Burrowing causes structural damage and destroys plants

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Remove debris and wood piles
  • Put away pet food to avoid attracting the chipmunks

More Information:

Chipmunks are omnivores, eating everything from acorns to bird’s eggs. If a bird nest has recently been raided, it might be chipmunks to blame. Chipmunks do not need to hibernate and remain active in winter. Like larger squirrels, chipmunks are capable of climbing trees in search of food.

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How to Identify Mice


  • Short dark gray or brown fur, lighter colored stomach
  • Thin tail
  • 3½ to 7½ inches

Mice Mouse Milwaukee


  • Dark
  • Secluded areas in structures or outdoors
  • Nests are often made of paper products, fabric, and packing materials


  • Mice can contaminate food
  • Cause structural damage
  • Chew on electrical wires
  • They can carry and transmit serious diseases, along with fleas, mites, ticks and lice

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Keep the building clean
  • Fix broken windows
  • Repair cracks in the foundation or walls
  • Remove potential nesting materials, such as newspapers and cardboard boxes

Learn More About Mice Infestations

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How to Identify Opossums

Angry Opossum FaceAppearance:

  • Similar in size to a house cat
  • Gray in color
  • White face
  • Hairless tail
  • 1-3 feet


  • Urban and suburban areas
  • Opossums den anywhere warm and dry


  • Being nocturnal and cautious, encountering an opossum is rare
  • When threatened, they will “play dead”
  • A survival tactic that renders them immobile from half an hour to far longer
  • This involuntary reaction renders them harmless
  • They can even be moved without being woken up
  • If faced with a pet, opossums can bite with sharp teeth

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Opossums are opportunistic and constantly relocating their dens
  • Make sure to seal garages and patio doors to stop them from getting in to your home

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How to Identify Raccoons

Raccoon Removal Milwaukee


  • Gray and brown with black “mask” over the eyes
  • Ringed tail
  • 2 to 3 feet


  • Dens in forested areas near a water source or in attics or chimneys


  • Raccoons can cause property damage when trying to enter a home
  • They often dig through garbage
  • They can carry rabies.

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Store garbage cans in protected areas
  • Use animal-proof covers
  • Repair loose siding or shingles

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How to Identify Rats


  • Brown, black, gray fur with lighter stomach
  • 6 to 9 inchesRats Milwaukee
  • 6 to 10 inch tail


  • Burrows under buildings
  • Near ponds
  • In garbage dumps
  • Sometimes in roofs or attics


  • Bite
  • Transmit diseases
  • Contaminate food
  • Carry fleas and mites

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Keep the building clean
  • Remove potential nesting materials, such as newspapers and cardboard boxes
  • Keep garbage tightly covered
  • Clear away any fruit from trees in the yard

More Information:

Rats are usually larger than mice, though a small rat might appear to be mouse due to similar fur patterns. Wild rats can carry Salmonella. It is very important to note that there are differences between wild rats and pet (“fancy”) rats. Pet rats tend to have more color variety, such as white and brown, along with different fur patterns. A single pet rat is not a sign of a potential rat infestation.

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How to Identify Skunks

Skunks Milwaukee


  • Black or dark brown with white or cream stripes down the back and tail
  • 16 to 37 inches


  • Dens underground
  • In brush piles or logs
  • Under decks, porches, or buildings


  • Skunks can spray as far as 10 feet
  • The spray can cause nausea, severe burning, and temporary blindness
  • They can carry diseases like rabies

Preventing an Infestation:

  •  Seal off possible entrances under porches with sturdy wire mesh buried at least 6 inches underground

More Information:

Although skunks are not always black and white, they have what is known as warning coloration due to their smelly defense mechanism. This vibrant display warns predators and people to stay away. Unfortunately, dogs will still often try to attack or play with skunks, resulting in getting sprayed.

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How to Identify Squirrels


  • Usually graySquirrels Milwaukee
  • 6 to 15 inches
  • 4 to 14 inch fluffy tail


  • Mainly trees
  • May invade structures in the winter


  • Squirrels rarely pose a health threat even when living attics
  • Outdoors, they can damage electrical and telephone cables

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Seal up possible points of entry around the house
  • Keep tree branches away from the roof

More Information:

There are multiple squirrel breeds in Wisconsin. The most common are the grey squirrel and the red squirrel. The grey squirrels are larger than the red and more aggressive when claiming territory. Grey squirrels will have white underbellies while red squirrels have brown fur there. It is only grey squirrels that are able to climb down trees headfirst.

Learn More About Squirrel Infestations

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How to Identify Voles

Vole Destroys GardenAppearance:

  • Usually gray
  • Ranging from 3 to 9 inches long
  • Stouter and shorter build than mice


  • Burrows in fields or lawns


  • Very little physical threat to humans
  • Can do a lot of damage to yard landscaping
  • Like other rodents, voles have potential to carry diseases

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Keep your lawn well-maintained
  • Voles will hide under any dense vegetation or in piles of mulch
  • Avoid using too much mulch where they can hide

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Bold Jumping Spiders

How to Identify Bold Jumping Spiders

Bold Jumping Spider in MilwaukeeAppearance:

  • 8 legs
  • Large abdomen
  • Black with white/orange spot on back
  • 4-20 mm


  • Exterior walls
  • Rocks and logs
  • Open woodlands


  • Presents zero threat to humans under normal circumstances

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Call exterminator to spray perimeter of house

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Common House Spiders

How to Identify Common House Spiders


  • 8 legsCommon House Spider Milwaukee
  • Yellow-brown, dirty white abdomen with dark stripes
  • 1/8 to 5/16 inch


  • Tangled webs
  • Sometimes in houses
  • Often in garages, sheds, barns and warehouses
  • Near light sources to attract prey


  • Common house spiders pose no threat to humans

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Seal cracks and use screens on doors and windows
  • Use a vacuum to get rid of spiders, egg sacs, and webs

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Jumping Spiders

How to Identify Jumping Spiders

Jumping Spider Milwaukee


  • 8 short legs
  • Compact
  • Usually black with pale markings
  • 1/8 to ¾ inch


  • Loose, saclike webs


  • While jumping spiders may bite
  • The bite is not poisonous

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Seal cracks and use screens on doors and windows
  • Remove outdoor harborages

More Information:

Jumping spiders are considered easy to identify compared to other arachnids. They have larger legs in the front, causing them to somewhat resemble crabs. They also have eyes that distinctly face forward rather than all around their head like other spiders.

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Bald-Faced Hornets

How to Identify Bald-Faced Hornets

Bald-Faced Hornets MilwaukeeAppearance:

  • 6 legs
  • Long black bodies with white pattern
  • ½ to 5/8 inch


  • Paper nests at least three feet off the ground
  • As large as 14 inches wide and 24 inches long


  • Sting repeatedly with venom, causing pain, itchiness, and swelling for about 24 hours
  • Stings can cause allergic reactions

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Do not attempt to remove a bald-faced hornet nest
  • The wasps are aggressive, and likely to sting

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Paper Wasps

How to Identify Paper Wasps

Paper Wasps Milwaukee


  • 6 legs
  • Brown with yellow markings
  • 5/8 to ¾ inch


  • Paper nests hang from trees
  • Porch ceilings
  • Leaves
  • Attics and the tops of doorframes


  • Paper wasps are not as aggressive as bald-faced hornets or yellow jackets
  • However, they will sting if they or their nest is disturbed
  • Paper wasp stings can cause allergic reactions

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Before doing yard work on shrubs, hedges, or trees, check for nests
  • Use repellent oil to keep wasps away from wooden fences
  • Do not attempt to remove a wasp nest on your own

Learn More About Wasp Infestations

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Yellow Jackets

How to Identify Yellow Jackets

Yellow Jacket Milwaukee


  • 6 legs
  • Black and yellow bands
  • 3/8 to 5/8 inch


  • Paper nests made of chewed cellulose
  • In the ground
  • Attics


  • Yellow jackets are territorial and will sting repeatedly
  • Stings can cause allergic reactions

Preventing an infestation:

  • Keep trash cans covered
  • Avoid sweet-smelling perfumes and scents

More Information:

Yellow jackets are the type of wasp most likely to be confused with honey bees. The best way to tell them apart from bees is to note whether they have hair over their body. Unlike honey bees, yellow jackets do not transport pollen. Yellow jackets are also confused with hornets due to their similar builds. Hornets, however, are usually larger than yellow jackets.

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Other Pests


How to Identify Blowflies:

Blowfly Invasion Milwaukee


  • ~1 cm
  • Shiny black and blue metallic body
  • 6 legs


  • Blowflies make their homes wherever there is rotting meat (carrion)


  • Blowflies can spread disease from other animals to humans
  • Many diseases can be carried on rotting, putrid meat

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Keep all used meat scraps well covered and in the correct areas
  • Make sure lids are on your garbage cans
  • Make sure no mice or other animals have died in your walls

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How to Identify Crickets


  • Distinctive long antennae
  • Dull green and brown color
  • Two sets of wings (front and back)
  • Larger back legs for jumping
  • 2 inches


Common Black Cricket

  • Trees
  • Brush
  • Grass


  • Relatively harmless to humans, though they are capable of biting
  • Chirp excessively, causing annoyance, and scavenge uncovered food

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Inspect all window screens to ensure there are no openings for crickets to enter
  • Cover all food that might attract crickets, including dry dog food

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How to Identify Earwigs


  • 6 legs; brown with yellow or pale extremities
  • Distinctive pincer like tail
  • 7-50 mm

Earwig Identification Guide


  • Damp and dark spaces indoors
  • Wooded areas with lots of debris


  • Earwigs are scavengers and will eat flowers, plants, and food that are left uncovered
  • They can cause significant damage to foliage
  • They are not known to carry any diseases that are harmful to humans

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Check areas that might be dark and damp for potential eggs
  • Common areas include trash receptacles, window frames, and outdoor furniture

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How to Identify Fleas

Milwaukee Flea Exterminator


  • 6 legs
  • Longer back leg
  • Flat shape
  • Dark reddish-brown
  • 1/12 to 1/6 inch


  • Household pets and wild animals
  • Shoes
  • Oant legs
  • Blankets


  • Flea bites usually cause painful, itchy red bumps
  • They can transmit bacteria, diseases, and tapeworms, as well as cause allergic reactions

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Clean and vacuum often
  • Groom pets regularly
  • Use flea treatments

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Fruit Flies

How to Identify Fruit Flies


  • 6 legs
  • Ovoid body
  • Translucent, yellow/brown
  • How to Get Rid of Fruit FliesRed eyes
  • Black stripes across back
  • Females ~ 2.5 mm
  • Males ~ 2.0 mm


  • Anywhere rotting food exists
    • Drains
    • Garbages
    • "Empty" containers


  • Disease (rare)
  • Annoying

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Make sure all foods are sealed and properly stored when done using them
  • Make sure you clean up all your food messes, including in your sink and garbage

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House Centipede

How to Identify House Centipedes:


  • 1-1.5 inches (body)
  • Light brown
  • Black lines running end to end
  • House Centipede Picture30 legs


  • Under boards, rocks, fallen trees (outside)
  • Any cool, moist, dark space (inside)


  • Not life threatening
  • Possesses venom glands and delivery system
  • Rarely bites
  • Bites usually cause mild irritation

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Frequent house centipede sightings suggest plentiful of prey
  • Examine building for abundance of arthropods
    (silverfish, cockroaches, spiders, etc.)

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Japanese Beetles

How to Identify Japanese Beetles

Japanese Beetle RemovalAppearance:

  • Shiny
  • Metallic body
  • 10- 15 mm


  • Originally from Japan
  • They often live in gardens in the eastern USA


  • Japanese beetles skeletonize plant leaves and flower buds, ruining gardens
  • Being an invasive species to the United States, they lack natural predators to control their population

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Catch Japanese beetles and place them in a bucket of soapy water
  • Spray beetles with the soapy concoction

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How to Identify Ticks

Arachnid Tick Infestation


  • 8 legs
  • Have a body larger than their head
  • Commonly brown in color


  • Leaf litter found in tall grass, woods, brush


  • Ticks bite and consume the blood of humans
  • They are vectors for diseases, including Lyme disease, typhus, and tick paralysis.

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Wear long sleeve clothing when working outdoors and check skin for ticks before coming inside
  • Make sure to check pets as well
  • If a tick is present on the skin and has already attached, remove the tick immediately with tweezers
  • Control tick habitats by moving the lawn frequently, especially around wooded areas

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Black Flies

How to Identify Black House Flies:


  • ~1.3 cm
  • Black with fur and bluish bald spots
  • Black flies transfer disease.6 legs
  • (Similar to house fly, but larger)


  • Indoors during winter months
    • Indoors during summer if enough food is inside
  • Outside during warmer weather
    • Often found near rotting food


  • Can spread disease in humans
  • Cover large breeding areas and reproduce quickly

Preventing Infestation:

  • Sadly, there isn't much we can do to prevent black fly infestations; however, we are great at ending infestations once they've begun
  • Keep area clean and free of rotting foods/open containers.

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Asian Lady Beetle

How to Identify Asian Lady Beetles


  • Resembles the lady bug
  • Orange or red in color with black spots or the reverse, black with red spots
  • 5.5-8.5 mm

Asian Lady BeetleHabitats:

  • Fields and leaf piles during warm weather


  • Swarms of Asian lady beetles will infest a home during winter for a warm place to hibernate
  • There are rare cases of people being allergic
  • Creates an unpleasant smell and stain when dead
  • Known to bite people

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Check for any possible entryway the Asian lady beetle might find, including cracks in the foundation or torn window screens
  • It is important to check before the first frost

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Boxelder Bugs

How to Identify Boxedler Bugs


Boxelder Bug Extermination

  • 6 legs
  • Flat oval body
  • Red and black
  • 1 cm - 1 in


  • Summer - in the trees they feed on
  • Winter - in the walls of your house


  • Kill your trees
  • Annoying, bitter

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Seal or spray repellent over the holes over your house's exterior

Learn more about Boxelder bug removal services.

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How to Identify Mosquitos

Mosquito Bites PersonAppearance:

  • 6 legs and one set of wings
  • Resembles the midge
  • Rarely exceed 16 mm in length


  • Marshes
  • Lakes
  • Stagnant water


  • Their bites are irritable
  • Mosquitos can harbor diseases such as West Nile virus, malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Empty out watering pails
  • Remove standing water from containers in your yard
  • Keep gutters and drainage ditches clear after rain
  • Wear long sleeve clothing while out at dawn or dusk

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How to Identify Termites

Termites Milwaukee


  • 6 legs
  • Soft bodies, scissor-like jaws, can have four wings
  • Creamy white to dark brown
  • ¼ to 3/8 inch


  • Underground colonies
  • Moist secluded areas above ground


  • Termites are extremely destructive to wooden structures

Preventing an Infestation:

  • Divert water away from the foundation of the house using gutters and downspouts
  • Avoid contact between wood portions of the house and soil

Learn More About Termite Infestations:

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