Offered Pest Control Services

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

Bed Bug Extermination in MilwaukeeHow to tell if you have bed bugs:

  • Bites upon waking up (stinging/itching sensation)
  • Bites tend to be in groups of 3 on arms and legs
  • Blood from rolling on crushed bugs
  • Musty odor coming from the bugs
  • Dark spots (about this big: .) from excrement

As a homeowner, when the word pest is mentioned, the first image to come to mind is of bed bugs. These tiny, almost microscopic insects are every homeowner’s nightmare. Once an infestation takes root, it is nearly impossible to get rid of them on your own. Milwaukee bed bug exterminators at A-Landlords have seen these tiny pests along with the havoc they wreak. The intervention of a knowledgeable pest control company has been key every time. Over the counter insect foggers only take care of open areas. Bed bugs, on the other hand, are found in mattresses, furniture, clothing, and a host of other areas foggers can’t touch. A-Landlords pest control locates and removes bed bugs in every spot of your home where the infestation could spread.

Bed Bug Exterminators in Milwaukee: How to Remove Bed Bugs

A-Landlords pest management in Milwaukee, WI has been handling bed bugs and pests in general for over 25 years. In this time, they a have seen what happens when good intentioned home and business owners try to tackle the problem on their own. The result is time wasted and money lost before having to call a professional anyway. When A-Landlords arrives at an infected property, they get to work finding any and all bed bug hiding places. These spots vary from large areas like mattresses to the smallest of places like behind light switch plates. Once the hiding places are pointed out to the property owner, it becomes evident why over the counter remedies never work.

bed bug exterminator

Bed Bug Treatment

Living in Wisconsin means there are a host of other pest problems A-Landlord eradicates. Ants tend to be a common issue along with cockroaches and mice. Although we typically don’t think of bees as a pest, frequently they will make a home near residential and commercial buildings, scaring away customers and residents alike. Not all pests are animals; A-Landlord Pest Management will also deal with your lawn’s weed problems as well.

If you are experiencing issues with bed bugs or any other pest, don’t waste precious time. The more time an infestation is active, the harder it will be to get rid of. Call A-Landlord’s professional exterminators today and let them take care of your home or business.

Contact our Milwaukee Bed Bug Exterminators for expert pest control services eradicating your bed bug infestation.