Offered Pest Control Services

Milwaukee Residents are Skipping on Bed Bug Mattress Covers – And for Good Reason.

Bed Bug Mattress Covers in Milwaukee

What Did Scientists Discover when Researching a New Bed Bug Treatment in 2017?

The day has finally arrived: you may no longer have to spend money on expensive mattress covers when trying to provide your family with the best bed bug treatment. Scientists at Penn State University conducted a new investigation at the beginning of 2017 and discovered a biopesticide formula proving to be more effective than any ever used on bed bugs before. This breakthrough in bed bug prevention research is paving the way for Milwaukee exterminators who have lost traction in recent years to the sly marketing campaigns of mattress cover suppliers around Wisconsin. Were you about to order bed bug mattress covers online? Reconsider before you waste your money on DIY bed bug remedy fails!

Bed Bug Mattress Covers Milwauke

(Local retailers with mattress covers available. Includes Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond, Target, & Kohl's)

The New Bed Bug Treatment? A Fast Killing Biopesticide Formula

When it comes to at-home remedies for bed bugs, you often have to choose between prevention and treatment solutions. With the new fungal biospesticide, it’s effective in not only killing bed bugs, but in keeping them from spreading beyond your mattress, as well. It's only available to licensed pest control specialists, which is yet another reason to forego the DIY approach and get a professional exterminator to deal with your  bed bug infestation.


Bed Bug Mattress Covers

Bed Bug Exterminators

Kills Bed Bugs No. Yes!
Prevent Adult Bugs from Spreading No. Yes!
Guarantees Eggs Won't Spread No. Yes!
Saves Consumers Money No. Yes!
Keeps Your Entire Building Safe No. Yes!
Leaves you More Informed on Bed Bugs No. Yes!


The techniques exterminators use to actively kill bed bugs may beat back the bed bug epidemic, unlike the quick gimmick mattress covers being sold by nationwide retailers. When the new biopesticide is sprayed on a mattress, it actually kills bed bugs faster than it would mosquitos. This new spray doesn’t even need to be applied more than once. After the fungal spores are placed on the surface of a bed bug habitat, the pests practically eliminate themselves when they pick up the spores. For family homes and apartment complexes, this new treatment sounds like a miracle.

Milwaukee’s Best Bed Bug Exterminator

Bed Bug Mattresses Milwaukee Wisconsin

Bed Bug Mattress Covers No Longer Part of Milwaukee’s Infestation Free Future

Looking ahead of 2017, its clear Milwaukee’s bed bug problem will get under control, but not with the help of mattress covers. Not only do these fabric products rip and tear, leaving openings for the small pests, but they have failed to prevent the infestation of bed bugs at: 

Mattress covers only temporarily prevent the spread of bed bugs on a limited surface. In many cases, it isn’t how effective the product is, but the features of the cover you’re sold on. For instance, you’d think there would be one single mattress cover proven to work, but because you’re considering so many different retailers, one company will choose one feature of their bed bug mattress cover to sell their product on. 

Don't Get Caught Up in the Language of Bed Bug Mattress Covers

"Vinyl" "Bite-Proof" "Polyurethane-Lined" "Zipper Teeth" "Waterproof"


Have you been sold on any of the words above? “Waterproof” and “zipper teeth” sound promising, but what originality do these fabrics really offer? Are they even lethal for bed bugs? Even with hundreds of bed bug mattress covers being sold in Milwaukee, these slip-ons have done nothing to prevent the rise of super bed bugs and didn’t keep our Brew city from being listed in the Top 50 Cities for Bed Bugs. If you want to truly keep bed bugs out, it’s time to let A-Landlords in!

Bed Bug Questions and Answers

Where to find Bed Bug Mattresses in Milwaukee

Contact A-Landlords today to find the best bed bug treatment in Milwaukee!