DIY Bed Bug Remedy Fails
It Kills Bed Bugs But...
Positively identify your pests as bed bugs before continuing with this article.
Okay. If you're reading this now, you must have bed bugs. Here's the bad news about cold killing bed bugs: it only works with sub-zero temperatures for at least 4 days. There's essentially no home remedy involving the cold that's practical.
DIY Bed Bug Remedy Fails:
Mothballs don't work simply because bed bugs are not killed by mothballs. Bed bugs may choose to live somewhere without mothballs, but will tolerate mothballs if living without them is not an option. It's akin to them living with hard water. |

Rubbing Alcohol Spray
Rubbing alcohol spray will kill bed bugs, but only if they are drenched in the liquid for extended periods of time. This is an impractical solution and only effective when used excessively. |
Wrong Pesticide
Many people simply have no clue what they're doing when it comes to using pesticides. They use the wrong ones entirely or combine chemicals that shouldn't be combined. |
Wrong Amount of Pesticide
Too much in too small an area wastes money. There's no need to do structural damage by flooding your house with chemicals. That's dangerous to yourself and your loved ones. It's similarly ineffective to spray too little amount of pesticide around the home, so many people err on the side of over-application. |
Freezing bed bugs is an impractical means of disappearing them. You can't get your house cold enough for it to work. Even if you could, it would take at least 4 days for the cold to kill them. The only way freezing works is if you want to kill off any bed bugs and their eggs on furnishings--in which case you would leave them outside for several days in subzero weather. |
Plastic Mattress Wrapping
People rarely do this right. After buying bed bug mattress covers in Milwaukee, they notice rips and tears in the fabric of the product. The plastic easily tears with use. People don't catch it quickly enough. The bugs don't die like they're supposed to. More babies hatch.
Point is, DIY home remedies for bed bugs don't work. They're impractical or dangerous or require professional knowledge. The most practical decision you can make is to call A-Landlords today.
The only thing left to do when you're experiencing a bed bug infestation is to call A-Landlords to get a better bed bug removal for less.